Andaman’s population is made up of a varied range of communities, including indigenous tribes such as the Great Andamenese, Onges, Jarawas, and Sentinelese, as well as settlers from mainland India and throughout the world. Each community has its own traditions, dialects, and cultural customs, which are reflected in the region’s food and cuisine.

Indigenous cultures have their own unique cuisine and cooking practices, which frequently rely on hunting, fishing, and gatherings for sustenance. They employ locally accessible resources like fish, wild fruits, and vegetables to create recipes that are exclusive to their culture.

The inhabitants from mainland India introduced their own culinary traditions to the Andaman Islands, including foods from South India, Bangladesh, and Gujarat.As a result of the combination of cuisines and culinary traditions, Andaman has a rich and diversified food culture.

Overall, the locals of Andaman play an important part in developing the region’s food and cuisine, with their different cultural influences adding to the delectable blend of tastes found in Andamanese cuisine.